Regional Anesthesia Femoral Training Package
- The ultrasound compatible for guidance during needle insertion.
- Anatomically correct lower torso with landmarks for placing femoral blocks.
- Distinct “pop” is visualized and palpated when the needle passes through the fascia layers.
- SmarTissue software interprets unique signals, showing orange when in contact and red when penetrating the nerve.
- Landmarks
- Inguinal crease
- Inguinal ligament
- Anterior superior iliac spine
- Pubic tubercle
- Pulse of Femoral artery
- Ultrasound Anatomy
- Femoral nerve
- Femoral artery and vein
- Fascia lata and iliacaIliopsoas
- Muscle Inguinal Ligament
Regional Anesthesia Femoral Training Package
30" x 20" x 9"
23 lbs