New, Realistic Airway Management Simulator Debuts at ACEP Scientific Assembly 17
Simulab Corporation, a medical simulation company based in Seattle, WA will unveil a prototype of their new ultra-realistic airway management training system, AirwayMan™ at booth #2607 at the ACEP Scientific Assembly in Washington, D.C. this Sunday. Simulab’s team of product engineers collaborated with leading educators to deliver a high-fidelity, soft-tissue training solution that allows learners to focus on deliberate practice and master basic to advanced airway skills like oral and nasal intubation, and needle and surgical cricothyroidotomy.
Fluid movement of the neck and jaw on Simulab’s AirwayMan feels natural and offers a full range of motion, allowing the head to be properly positioned. The tongue, epiglottis and vocal cords are carefully designed to recreate the familiar textures and delicate anatomic nuances of the human airway. AirwayMan supports fiber optic and video laryngoscope insertion so learners can clearly visualize the vocal cords and epiglottis. And, successful intubation is observed by the chest rise.
To see a live demonstration and try the AirwayMan prototype for yourself, stop by the Simulab booth, #2607 at the ACEP Scientific Assembly. For more information contact Simulab at info@simulab.com / 206-297-1260.